PRESS RELEASE – May 21, 2019

Aurora, Oregon: PreciseRF, announced today the introduction of the new HG-1 WR (water resistant) remotely tuned Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) intended for outdoor deployment and the companion AR-1 antenna rotator. Also introduced are a number of MLA accessories. All these new products will be available at the SeaPac ham radio gathering in Seaside, Oregon. SEA-PAC 2019 is May 31, June 1-2 2019. For all the new product details click on the Catalog.
Said Roger Stenbock – W1RMS “The Magnetic Loop Antenna (MLA) is well known for its superior selectivity, low noise and high directivity. Proper design plays a big part in this. To make this a reality, beta testing has been underway since October 2018. Our dedicated team has been diligently working on these new products for the past year”.
We’ve received a ton of interest from our customers and are very excited to finally deliver these new products, which represent a significant advance in the evolution of practical Magnetic Loop Antennas. For detailed descriptions and prices click on the links below:
- HG-1 WR/AR1 Deluxe MLA
- HG-1 WR Remote MLA Tuner
- AR-1 Remote MLA Rotater
- HG-1 WR/AR1 Remote Package
- MLT-1 MLA Antenna Tuner
- Variable 60-80 Resonator
- DPM6000A Precision Power Meter
Field Day Sale 10% off on all New Antenna Products (ends June 30, 2019)

Also introduced is the DPM6000A. It is a major upgrade with a more accurate source impedance circuit for the power reference to our popular lab-quality power meter. Said Stenbock “With the new DPM6000A any ham or learning institution can now afford a 80 dB dynamic range, highly accurate lab quality power meter for design and home brewing”. While not an antenna product, it is useful for SWR, impedance and QRP measurements, for dedicated antenna experimenters, enthusiasts and home-brew measurement applications.
Please note: While we can take orders immediately, because of the Sea-Pac convention, we will not be able to ship any products until after the convention.
editorial contact: Roger Stenbock
Just got back from SeaPac 2019 with the Deluxe HG-1 loop. Wish I had seen this website before hand, because I might have noticed that there was a water-resistant remote tuner available. Well, if this works as well as expected I may have to buy that product in future!
If you need a Mag. Loop with a waterproof remote tuner with a remote rotor, The HG-1 WR/AR1 DELUXE MLA fits the bill.
I have one and it does not disappoint. The larger LMR600 LOOP out performs the LMR400 used in most other loops of the same size. I have a Mag. Loop from another Manufacturer, that is now in storage. The HG-1 WR/AR1 Deluxe is now my main antenna.
Again if you need a waterproof, remotely tuned and rotating Magnetic loop, then This is the one for you. I am sure you will not be disappointed.
Does anyone sell a magnetic loop antenna controller for use with a vacuum capacitor with a stepper motor? I don’t like any of the offerings I can find for the loop antenna itself.
Chris, yes, we sell magnetic loop antennas with vacuum capacitor and stepper motors — that’s our core business! Check out the HG3-Pro and HG3-QRO to learn more.