For the applications discussed here, these are the recommended oscilloscopes.
These application notes cover the “how to” in using our products. Some deal with the technical aspects of the various measuring devices and methods. They are written to be understood by new hams, yet provide the theoretical background when needed. All the application notes are in PDF format. These notes are copyright protected but may be down loaded as long they are for individual use only and their entire contents is shown.
PreciseLOOP antennas. Technical description, maximizing gain, radiation patterns, loop current, SWR plots, comparisons to the dipole antenna and internet discussions. In makes an excellent adjunct to those using any loop antenna or to those considering buying one.
This catalog is a compilation of all current application notes.
Appnote DPM6000 Digital SWR/Power Meter
This is the User Guide and Application note for the new DPM6000 power meter. It covers the operation of the power meter and applications for power measurements ranging from .001 uW to 1500 Watts.
This appnote covers how to use the station monitor with an oscilloscope to make accurate amplifier distortion measurements with an oscilloscope and how to best adjust your transmitter.
This appnote explains how to use a Two Tone Test generator to make amplifier distortion measurements with an oscilloscope. It includes waveform examples, to help the operator best adjust the transmitter and amplifier.
Appnote 3 Spectrum Analyzer Test
This application note explains how the spectrum analyzer along with a two tone test and rf sampler can be used to make laboratory measurements of transmitter and amplifier performance measurements.
Appnote 4 RF Power Measurements with an Oscilloscope
This application note explains how to make repeatable and accurate RF power measurements using an oscilloscope.
Appnote 5 Return Loss Bridge Measurements
This application note explains how to make accurate return loss and SWR measurements with an oscilloscope.
Appnote 6 Station Montor Selection
This application note explains how to select a station monitor to best meet your application.
Appnote 7 Using TDR for Measuring Transmission Lines
This application note explains how to use the TDR-CableScout for measuring transmission lines.
App note 8 RF and Microwave Power Measurements
This user’s guide covers the operation, maintenance and calibration of the DPM6000 power meter and also incorporates the application note covering power measurements of RF to microwave signals in the communications industry and ham radio environment.
App note 9 Amplifier tuning and PEP power standardization measurements. This application note explains the concept of tuning linear amplifiers at full power and how to make repeatable PEP power measurement with a standardized SSB signal.