This was our first attendance at Hamvention in Dayton Ohio. We drove in our HAM RV (W1RMS) from Oregon to Dayton Ohio loaded with our display booth and products. While we knew there would be more hams attending than at the regional ham shows we attend as vendors, we had no idea just how big Hamvention really was. Some estimated more than 600 vendors and more than 33,000 attendees. We were very pleased and a little overwhelmed by the intense interest the folks attending had in our products. In spite of bringing a large selection of our products, we still sold out on some products. Our new DPM6000 power meter received a lot of attention, and enjoyed excellent sales. The new TP1-PRO tuning pulser and SSB standard received a lot of interest and proved to be a very desirable kit option. Rob and I had planned to check some of other vendors, but had very little time. The isles were stacked so deep that we were only able see a small portion of the vendors. Next up is “The Northwest’s Largest Ham Convention” 2016_SEA-PAC_Booklet available for download June 3, 4 and 5, 2016 ARRL Northwestern Division Convention Seaside Convention Center, Seaside, OR See you there. Check the pictures below:
Roger W1RMS