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PreciseRF launches YouTube channel with TDR tutorial

Preciserf Logo TV CHANNELWe are excited with the launch of the PreciseRF YouTube channel. The first in a series of application videos is the TDR Tutorial Video. Our customers wanted  video instruction and demonstration. For this production the foundation of this new video came from our application notebook. This new video running time is 23 minutes.  It covers the basics of TDR applications and a detailed demonstration of the popular TDR CableScout.

tdr filmstrip

Step-by-step demonstration cover:

  • TDR concepts
  • reflection coefficient
  • Distance to Fault
  • Cable impedance
  • Matched loads
  • Velocity Factor
  • VSWR
  • Return loss
  • Cable losses
  • Common faults
  • Impedance measurements by substitution